Partners Bank

Partners Bank

The Bank That Listens

Partners Bank relationship with Navadise Media began in 2019, with their rebranding from SIS (Sanford Institute of Savings). Starting with commercial video production, and quickly adapting to full-scale agency services. Navadise Media has built a great connection with the Partners Bank brand, assisting in everything from commercial video production to brand messaging, graphic design, and website management.


  • We create tailored plans to help your brand achieve its goals. By analyzing your audience, competitors, and market trends, we build strategies that deliver measurable results.

  • Your brand is your identity, and we help you define it. From logo design to messaging, we create cohesive visuals and narratives that resonate with your audience on everything from print and digital campaigns, to social media content and commercial production.

  • Creative Development occurs with every aspect of our agency work. From brainstorming commercial productions, to building a brand voice unique to your brand, Navadise Media is here to ensure continuity along the way. Knowing that with us, your campaigns and brand will leave a lasting impression.

  • Navadise Media brainstorms unique ad and commercial video productions that speak to the brand and their target audience. High-quality video production is at the core of what we do. From story boarding to the final cut, we deliver commercials that captivate audiences and tell your story.

  • Through our in-house recording studio space at The Black Owl Studio, Navadise Media is able to record for a range of needs, specializing in finding a unique voice for your brand with crisp, clear sound and compelling messaging.

  • Social Media is fastly becoming a secondary website for most brands. Navadise Media specializes in carrying our commercial production messaging over to social utilizing quality content and a consistent brand voice.

  • Carry your commercial broadcasting across multiple mediums with Navadise Media’s full range of Digital Advertising services. Our web and digital teams work together to ensure streamlined tracking and ad placements that speak to your ideal customer, maximizing your reach and ROI.

Stats that count

23%+ Accounts

Since Navadise Started in 2019

25%+ Online Users

189%+ web traffic

Commercial Video Production

Business Profiles

Website Development

When it came to their new website, Partners Bank knew they wanted to create something unique to their brand to provide both a cohesive and compelling online experience to their customers. Navadise Media began by delving deep into the Partners Bank values, mission, and unique identity. Our talented team of graphic designers worked hand in hand with our web developers to craft a website that met Partners Bank vision and unique needs. Everything from fonts and colors, to layout and photo choices were meticulously crafted to ensure a blend of aesthetics and functionality. Through extensive collaboration, we conceptualized and delivered a brand strategy that extended from captivating website videos to engaging visual elements that carried from the website to social media and print. The result - A website that not only looks visually stunning but also performs seamlessly to enhance user engagement. The Navadise Media team ensured each page was easily discoverable and navigated by users, incorporating top SEO and digital practices to outshine the competition online. Our goal was not only to design a website but to craft an immersive digital experience that resonated with Partners Bank.

Screen grab of Partners Bank Website Home Page

Digital Marketing specialist at Navadise Media ensure each website is easily navigated by both customers and search engines. Our team employs Search Engine Optimization best practices for both forward facing copywriting projects, along with backend META SEO descriptions. Below are a few copywriting exercises from Navadise Media, along with a glimpse at META tags and descriptors placed on the back end of the website that speak directly to search engines.

Search Engine Optimization

Commercial Photography

Graphic Design

Graphic Design at Navadise Media begins with the brand message, mission and voice. Our designers work to create something unique to each client, delivering designs that speak to the customers at first glance. Navadise Media began the design process with Partners Bank in their original rebrand from SIS Bank, providing collateral and web designs to fit the Partners Bank brand. When it came time to develop a new logo, Navadise Media was able to provide a complete brand guide to Partners Bank for branding that spoke to their locations from the Seacoast of New Hampshire, to the foothills of Southern Maine. Below are a few examples of what our team provided to Partners Bank.